بخش 13

: ذهن دیوید گاگینز / بخش 13

بخش 13

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زوم»

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زوم»

فایل ویدیویی

برای دسترسی به این محتوا بایستی اپلیکیشن زبانشناس را نصب کنید.

متن انگلیسی بخش

So I became a practitioner of the mind.

Wow, now, now,

And that’s where Goggins comes up.

Now you said, so it’s almost as if you mind eats suffering and turns it into fuel.

It has to. It has to, because I realized that without it there was no success. I wasn’t succeeding. I wasn’t succeeding.

There was no success. And people will take what I say totally fucking wrong, and that’s fine. You don’t have to fucking like me, because I finally like myself. The thing about it, I challenge people to go out there and find it. The feeling you have is endless.

And you said this, I was not guided by something on this Earth. I was guided by something even more powerful. I lived the life of a monk.

Yes. A lot of us are very surface, nowadays, especially nowadays. We are so obsessed with computers and phones and everything.

Our minds are the most powerful fucking weapon on the fucking earth.

I started realizing this at a young age. But most of us go so far away from it because we’re stuck on how many likes did I get?

How many this, how many that? We’re stuck here, so our mind’s unable to fucking work. I realized for me to find myself, I had to live my life.

No, I’m not a monk. I’m not a monk. But I live my discipline, my self-discipline of my life is very monk-like, because I’m trying to leave this Earth.

Have you ever, like, do you use a washcloth when you bathe, or do you just use soap?


You use soap. Some of us use washcloths. So imagine this, visualize this. Visualize you took a shower.

You lathered that washcloth all up. You took a shower, nice shower, and now you’re done. You let the water hit that washcloth to get that suds out, right.

Now you want to wring that fucker out, right, nice an tight so that it doesn’t drip on the floor. That rag that you just fucking were wringing out.

I want that to be my soul, my mind. I want there to be nothing left of David Goggins when I’m done. So most of us, I believe, die at 40%.

That’s all that we’ve given, and we believe it’s our 100%. That’s why my in book, in the back of it I describe the 40% rule, something I invented.

And I believe that I talk about in something much bigger than David Goggins.

A lot of people don’t. I do. And I think that when you die, this is my own mindset, that you arrive in line. It helps me to get past a lot of things. You arrive in line.

And let’s say you’re in front. Let’s say you die right before me. And you’re in line. And God’s sitting there with a clipboard, okay, sitting there with a clipboard like me and you are sitting right now.

He’s looking at you, and he says, Hey, you made it to heaven. Good job. Okay, and then he shows you the clipboard of what your life should have been.

So you lived this life that you thought that you pushed so hard. Then you look at the clipboard. Let say myself.

This is now me, I’m talking about myself now. Let’s say I got to heaven weighing 300 pounds. I was a guy that worked for Ecolab, which is a guy that kills cockroaches for a living, which is fine.

It’s a job. But then I look at this, and that’s how I died. I look at this and it says on here where I should have been, because God’s all-knowing right?

I look at this, and it says you should have been 185 pounds. You should have broken the Guinness Book of World’s Record.

You should have been a Navy SEAL. You should have been this. You should have been that. You should have lived this great life. You should have been an inspiration.

You should have inspired millions. And then you give the clipboard back to God. Let’s say you lived 80 years on Earth, and now you realize that you lived here being a shell of who the fuck you should have been.

So now you’re in heaven. But are you really in heaven? Because now you see how much you fucking left down there on Earth.

So now your mind, your fucking mind now knows, because I was afraid to suffer, because I was afraid to go there. I could easily right now, you could ever know who the fuck David Goggins is right now.

You could never know me. I could be back in Brazil, Indiana, Indianapolis, Indiana, spraying for cockroaches at the fucking local restaurant. You should never fucking know me if I chose the route most of us choose.

There’d be no fucking story. It’d be a normal story. What’s your son doing, Jackie? Ah, he’s 43. He’s been working for Ecolab for 20 years. How is he, he’s doing good? He’s doing good.

He has wife and kid. Never fucking knowing I could be right the fuck here right now with a fucking book coming out about what I accomplished. But I had a decision to make at 24 years old.

Wow, that metaphor of heaven is one of the most powerful things I’ve heard in the last couple of months. That’s thought-changing, David.

Well, it’s truth.

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