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Team Presentation Rehearsal

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زوم»

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دانلود اپلیکیشن «زوم»

فایل ویدیویی

برای دسترسی به این محتوا بایستی اپلیکیشن زبانشناس را نصب کنید.

متن انگلیسی درس

So each team member should have a presentation.

Now it’s time to put it all together.

So all of you need to get in the same conference room or wherever you will be presenting and you need to decide the order really nail that down.

If you’re using the same slide deck and you do need to use the same slide deck.

If you’re using slides you don’t have time to be changing programs and pulling up different programs.

You need to have the slide deck all together so everyone knows where they are.

And then let’s just do it.

And when I say do it I mean practice.

Not in front of any clients or prospects or call other colleagues other than your group.

Let’s do a run through.

Here’s the key.

You’re not going to want to do this but you have to record it on video.

It can be a cell phone.

It doesn’t have to be a big fancy camera but it could be an iPad.

It could be a webcam.

You need to practice the whole thing on video and then watch it.

You’re not trying to get it perfect the first time.

It’s a rough draft.

You don’t write memos perfectly the first time you edited it review it spellcheck it make it better.

Same with the presentation.

Great team presentations are great because they’ve been refined they’ve been practiced they’ve been rehearsed and the most specific thing you could do is rehearse on video and watch it.

So let’s go ahead do a full rehearsal.

You absolutely have to do it on video it’s not enough to just give each other feedback.

It’s not enough to have a mirror in the room and watch yourself wasted time.

You’ve got to videotape it in order to really see what’s working what isn’t work working and to be able to have some perspective on it.

Now your first time it may be little awkward.

One person finishes and has the next one come up and there’s time to work all that out.

But when you do finish summarize your main points make a conclusion with a little bit of finality and then briefly introduce your colleague the next Speaker needs to be a smooth simple nothing embarrassing about it handoff for some reason.

I’ve seen people who’ve worked together for years in a corporation do a group presentation and the handoff is always sort of awkward.

Well now as Larry and Larry is really good at that there’s this awkwardness.

You want to know exactly what to say a part of your presentation is introducing the next man the next woman to speak in a way that has a purpose has a focus and is planned as much as anything else you say.

When I say planned I don’t mean memorized because as you remember I’m recommending that you speak from a simple sheet of notes not from PowerPoint and not from a whole script but just simple notes.

So let’s go ahead.

Let’s do a whole dry run.

This is also a time to get a sense of her timing.

You all may be great speakers but if each one of you is speaking for a half an hour and it adds up to two and a half hours and there’s only an hour allotted for your new business pitch you got a problem.

It’s not going to get shorter on its own.

So you can get a sense of how long it is how things are coming and this will be your first time to see all the presentations together not on the PowerPoint deck which is frankly irrelevant but actually seeing it more like an audience member.

So give the presentations you can use PowerPoint use PowerPoint now recorded on video and then watch it after you watch it in silence.

I need each one of you write down what you like and don’t like about your own presentation.

But with everyone else’s presentation too.

And then share your notes do that right now.

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