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ترجمهی بخش
من هيچوقت از اينکه جونم رو نجات دادي ازت تشکر نکردم
اون هيچوقت واقعا چنين حرفي نزد،ولي فکر کنم با خدا آشتي کرد
براي دومين بار در هفده روز پرزيدنت فورد از ترور جان سالم به در برد
پايگاه به جيني 1. پايگاه به جيني 1.
جيني 1. بگو،مارگو
فارست يه تماس تلفني داره
خب،بايد بهشون بگي بعدا تماس بگيرن
اون فعلا کسالت داره.
مادرش مريضه.
مامان کجاست؟
طبقه بالاست.
فردا مي بينمت.
خيلي خب.
حتما يه راست کشونديمت اينجا،مگه نه،پسر؟
جريان چيه،مامان؟
دارم مي ميرم،فارست.
زودباش بيا تو،بشين اينجا
چرا داري مي ميري،مامان؟
ديگه وقتم رسيده.
ديگه وقتم رسيده.
حالا، نترسي،عزيز دلم
مرگ فقط قسمتي از زندگيه چيزيه که قسمت هممونه
من نمي دونستم،ولي قسمت اين بوده که مامان تو باشم
هرچي از دستم اومد کردم
تو خوب کارتو انجام دادي مامان
خب،من معتقدم که آدم خودش سرنوشت خودشو مي سازه
بايد نهايت استفاده رو از اونچه خدا بهت داد بکني
سرنوشت من چيه مامان؟
بايد خودت کشفش کني
زندگي يه جعبه شکلاته،فارست
هيچوقت نمي دوني چي ازش نصيبت ميشه
مامان هميشه روشي براي توضيح دادن مسائل داشت که من بتونم اونا رو بفهمم
دلم برات تنگ ميشه،فارست.
اون سرطان گرفته بود و در يه روز سه شنبه مرد
يه کلاه که گل هاي کوچکي روش بود براش خريدم
و اين تمام چيزيه که در اين باره براي گفتن دارم
مگه نگفتي منتظر اتوبوس شماره هفت هستي؟
به زودي يکي ديگه مياد
حالا،چون من يه ستاره فوتبال و قهرمان جنگ و از آدم معروف هاي کشور و کاپتان قايق ميگو گيري و يه فارغ التحصيل دانشگاه بودم بزرگان شهر گرينبو،آلاباما تصميم گرفتن دور هم جمع بشن و يه شغل خوب به من پيشنهاد کردن.
بنابراين ديگه سر کار براي ستوان دن برنگشتم هرچند اون پولهام در بوبا-گامپ رو برام نگه مي داشت
اون منو توي يه جور شرکت ميوه منصوب کرد
باهام تماس گرفت و گفت ديگه مجبور نيستيم نگران پول باشيم من هم گفتم،”خوبه.
يکي از کارا کمتر حالا مامان مي گفت همينقدر مال و ثروت براي يه مرد کافيه و بقيه اش فقط واسه خودنماييه
بنابراين مقدار زيادي ازش رو دادم به کليساي فوراسکوار گاسپل، مقدار زيادي هم دادم به بيمارستان بايو لاباتره
و با وجود اينکه بوبا مرده بود و ستوان دن بهم مي گفت خل شدم سهم بابا رو به مامان بوبا دادم
مي دوني چيه؟
اون ديگه مجبور نبود توي آشپزخونه هيچکسي کار کنه
بوش عاليه
و چون يه ميلياردر بودم و اون کار رو خيلي دوست داشتم اون چمن رو مجاني کوتاه کردم
ولي موقع شب وقتي هيچ کاري نبود که بکنم و تمام خونه خالي بود،هميشه به جيني فکر مي کردم
و بعد اون اونجا بود
سلام،جيني جيني برگشت و پيشم موند
شايد به اين خاطر بود که جاي ديگه اي نداشت بره يا شايد هم به اين خاطر که خيلي خسته بود،چون مي رفت توي رختخواب و مي خوابيد و مي خوابيد،انگار سالها نخوابيده بود
خيلي خوب بود که اونو توي خونه داشتم
هر روز مي رفتيم قدم مي زديم،و من مثل يه ميمون روي درخت هي ور مي زدم و اون به حرف هام راجع به پينگ پنگ بازي کردن و ميگو گرفتن و سفر مامان به بهشت گوش مي داد
فقط من حرف مي زدم
جيني بيشتر وقت رو کاملا ساکت بود
چطور تونستي اينکارو بکني؟
بعضي وقت ها فکر مي کنم به اندازه کافي سنگ وجود نداره
هيچوقت واقعا نفهميدم چرا اون برگشت،ولي برام مهم نبود
مثل قديم ها بود.
دوباره مثل نخود فرنگي و هويج بوديم
هر روز،گل هاي قشنگ رو مي چيدم و براش مي ذاشتمشون توي اتاقش و اون بهترين هديه اي رو که در دنيا يه نفر ميتونه بگيره بهم داد
کفش های جدید. اونا فقط واسه دويدنن
و حتي نشونم داد چطور برقصم
خب،ما مثل خانواده بوديم،من و جيني
و اين شادترين دوران زندگيم بود
و این یکی از چهارمین بزرگترین آتش بازی های کشور است که دارم مشاهده میکنم.
ديگه نگاه نمي کني؟
اینجا در بندر نیویورک
من ميرم بخوابم
مجسمه آزادی
با من ازدواج مي کني؟
من شوهر خوبي ميشم،جيني
ولي تو با من ازدواج نمي کني
تو نمي خواي با من ازدواج کني
چرا دوستم نداري،جيني؟
من آدم باهوشي نيستم،ولي مي دونم عشق چيه
داري کجا فرار مي کني؟
فرار نمي کنم.
اون،روز،بدون هيچ دليل خاصي تصميم گرفتم يه کم بدوم
بنابراين تا آخر جاده دويدم،و وقتي رسيدم اونجا فکر کردم شايد بايد تا آخر شهر بدوم
رییس جمهور کارتر که از گرمازدگي رنج مي بره
و وقتي رسيدم اونجا فکر کردم شايد بايد طول بخش گرينو رو بدوم
حالا،با خودم فکر کردم حالا که تا اينجا دويدم فکر کردم بايد طول ايالت بزرگ آلاباما رو بدوم
و همين کار رو هم کردم
درست طول آلاباما رو دويدم
بدون هيچ دليل خاصي همچنان به راهم ادامه دادم
درست تا اقيانوس دويدم.
و وقتي رسيدم اونجا،با خودم گفتم حالا که تا اينجا دويدم
همينطور ميشه برگردم،و راهم رو همچنان ادامه بدم
و وقتي به يه اقيانوس ديگه اي رسيدم باخودم گفتم حالا که تا اينجا اومدم.
متن انگلیسی بخش
Forrest, I never thanked you for saving my life.
He never actually said so, but I think he made his peace with God.
For the second time in 17 days, President Ford escaped possible assassination today.
MARGO: Base to Jenny 1.
Base to Jenny 1.
Jenny 1.
Go, Margo.
Forrest has a phone call.
Yeah, well, you’ll have to tell them to call him back.
He is indisposed at the moment.
His mama’s sick.
Where’s Mama?
She’s upstairs.
Hi, Forrest.
DOCTOR: I’ll see you tomorrow.
All right.
We sure got you straightened out, didn’t we, boy?
What’s the matter, Mama?
I’m dying, Forrest.
Come on in, sit down over here.
Why are you dying, Mama?
It’s my time.
It’s just my time.
Now, don’t you be afraid, sweetheart.
Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.
I didn’t know it, but I was destined to be your mama.
I did the best I could.
You did good, Mama.
Well, I happen to believe you make your own destiny.
You have to do the best with what God gave you.
What’s my destiny, Mama?
You’re going to have to figure that out for yourself.
Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest.
You never know what you’re going to get.
Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.
I will miss you, Forrest.
She had got the cancer and died on a Tuesday.
I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it.
And that’s all I have to say about that.
Didn’t you say you were waiting for the number seven bus?
There’ll be another one along shortly.
Now, because I had been a football star, and a war hero, and a national celebrity, and a shrimping boat captain, and a college graduate, the city fathers of Greenbow, Alabama decided to get together and offered me a fine job.
So, I never went back to work for Lieutenant Dan, though he did take care of my Bubba-Gump money.
He got me invested in some kind of fruit company.
And so then, I got a call from him saying we don’t have to worry about money no more, and I said,”That’s good.
One less thing Now, Mama said there’s only so much fortune a man really needs, and the rest is just for showing off.
So, I gave a whole bunch of it to the Foursquare gospel church, and I gave a whole bunch to the Bayou La Batre fishing hospital.
And even though Bubba was dead and Lieutenant Dan said I was nuts, I gave Bubba’s mama Bubba’s share.
You know what?
She didn’t have to work in nobody’s kitchen no more.
That smells wonderful.
And ‘cause I was a gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much,I cut that grass for free.
But at night time when there was nothing to do and the house was all empty, I’d always think of Jenny.
And then, she was there.
Hello, Forrest.
Hello, Jenny.
Jenny came back and stayed with me.
Maybe it was because she had nowhere else to go, or maybe it was because she was so tired, ‘cause she went to bed and slept and slept, like she hadn’t slept in years.
It was wonderful having her home.
Every day we’d take a walk and I’d jabber on like a monkey in a tree, and she’d listen about Ping-Ponging, and shrimping, and Mama making a trip up to heaven.
I did all the talking.
Jenny most of the time was real quiet.
How could you do this?
Sometimes I guess there just aren’t enough rocks.
I never really knew why she came back, but I didn’t care.
It was like olden times.
We was like peas and carrots again.
Every day, I’d pick pretty flowers and put them in her room for her, and she gave me the best gift anyone could ever get in the wide world.
New shoes.
They make them just for running.
And she even showed me how to dance.
And, well, we was like family, Jenny and me.
And it was the happiest time in my life.
And this Fourth is witnessing one of the largest fireworks displays in the nation’s
You done watching it?
here in New York Harbor
I’m going to bed with a spectacular display of tall ships earlier.
The Statue of Liberty
Will you marry me?
I’d make a good husband, Jenny.
You would, Forrest.
But you won’t marry me.
You don’t want to marry me.
Why don’t you love me, Jenny?
I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.
Where are you running off to?
I’m not running.
That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run.
So, I ran to the end of the road, and when I got there, I thought maybe I’d run to the end of town.
President Carter, suffering from heat exhaustion, fell into the arms of—
And when I got there, I thought maybe I’d just run across Greenbow County.
And I figured since I’d run this far, maybe I’d just run across the great state of Alabama.
And that’s what I did.
I ran clear across Alabama.
For no particular reason, I just kept on going.
I ran clear to the ocean.
And when I got there, I figured since I’d gone this far,
might as well turn around and just keep on going.
And when I got to another ocean, I figured since I’d gone this far,
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