Putting Strategies into Practice

دوره علم خوشبختی ، فصل 6 : Putting Strategies into Practice

درباره‌ی این فصل:

How can we intentionally put these strategies into practice and build healthier habits?

این شامل 5 زیر است:

I would love the fact that I told you about these studies would mean that immediately after this you would all go work out and sleep more and start meditating all that stuff. He runs Cornell's Food Lab, and he has this awesome new book called Slim By Design where he makes a strong case that willpower is completely overrated. One is it promotes the positive habits, but also increases kindness, social connection, all this other stuff that we think matters a lot.

These researchers actually brought women in who had the goal of eating more fruits and vegetables, and they taught them this mental contrasting technique. And what you find, these circles are the mental contrasting case, is that in the beginning, just thinking about or indulging is good enough, but over time, if you really want to keep overcoming your obstacles, it seems like having both of those things in place helps. And it's a technique developed by Gabrielle Oettingen at NYU, who has this wonderful book on Rethinking Positive Thinking, where she describes this WOOP process, and all the data suggesting that it works.

Welcome, I'm excited to introduce all of you to psychologist Gabriele Oettingen, author of Rethinking Positive Thinking- Inside the New Science of Motivation. >> Yeah, so the idea is I've WOOPed a lot about yoga and getting up in the morning, so when the alarm goes off and I want to stay in bed, my automatic brain can't just think about it that way. >> In a way, you do a mental efforts strategy for five minutes, it triggers automatic processes that do the job for you, and that's the kind of nice thing.

My read is that the data are like, any way that you shut off your mind wandering, and that you do it as a practice, like you do it for some amount of time, not like once, but like regularly every day, has a lot of these same effects. I think the key is to kind of figure out for you what shuts off that mind wandering and it doesn't have to look like you on the cushion with your fingers like this. It's having time to spend a half hour every day thinking about nothing but your breath and meditating.

And then, we ended with two strategies that we can use to kind of go beyond just knowing the stuff that actually put those things into practice. So, which of these spots of these things that you don't necessarily want that you should be wanting more that you can actually put into your life, so that you're doing them more often, using these techniques and strategies we learned about at the end, and sort of using these techniques and strategies we learned about the beginning to kind of get rid of your biases, to kind of curb them. We'll have check-ins, and we'll have the social support of our situation, and I'll kind of ping you guys and remind you about your goals, and so on.

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