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A look at the three parts of color theory and how it influences color choices in our drawings. Concepts covered include- the color wheel, primary, secondary, tertiary, color values, color intensity, psychological effects of color, color schemes, monochromatic, complementary, color triads, color tetrads, analogous, warm, cool, split complementary.
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Is welcome to the 17th video and the secret to drawing video course brought to you by the virtue instructor dot com. Before we go into color media it’s important for us to understand color. So we’re going to take a few minutes in this video and delve into color. Color is an element of art that refers to reflected light. We know how important light is to draw when and how we see therefore color is important as well. When light hits an object all colors and the color spectrum are absorbed except for the colors that we see. These are the colors that are reflected back to our eyes. White is actually the reflection of all the colors and the color spectrum while black is the absorption of all the colors in the color spectrum in art color theory is made up of three parts. The color will color values and color schemes. In this video we’re going to take a look at each one of these parts of color theory. We’ll begin with the color will. Here’s a look at the color will I’m sure everyone has seen a color wheel before the color wheel was actually invented by Sir Isaac Newton. He took the color spectrum and divided it into individual bands and then took those bands and formed it into a circle thus creating the first color wheel. So basically the color wheel is the color spectrum bent into a circle. Each color has a specific place on the color wheel and color relationships exist because of their specific locations on the color wheel. Here’s a look at the color spectrum. Roy Chib you’ve probably heard of that before. It’s an acronym for red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet. Here we can see how the color spectrum is actually built into a circle on the color wheel. There are different types of colors on the color wheel as well. Let’s begin by talking about primary colors. Primary colors are red yellow and blue. These colors are referred to as primary colors for a couple of reasons. They’re first referred to as primary colors because you cannot mix two colors together to get them. You can’t mix any two colors to get red yellow or blue. Secondly they’re called Primary Colors because these are the colors that you may choose to start with when mixing colors. You see all other colors can be mixed by using red yellow and blue. Now when you mix two primary colors together you get what are called secondary colors when you mix red and blue you get purple when you mix red and yellow you get orange. And when you mix yellow and blue you get green the secondary colors are purple green and orange. When you mix a primary color with a secondary color you get a type of color that is called tertiary tertiary colors are made by mixing of primary and secondary color together they are red orange red purple yellow green yellow orange blue green and blue purple. Notice that the proper way to name these colors is with the primary color listed first and the secondary color listed second. There are a total of six tertiary colors now that we’ve established the types of color on the color wheel. Let’s talk for a moment about color and emotion. Take a look at this screen of blue. Does it make you feel a certain way. Well color actually has psychological effects. For example blue is typically calming soothing and can reflect sadness. Here’s another color yellow How does the yellow make you feel. Yellow also can affect you psychologically. Yellow tends to convey warmth. It can cause frustration and fatigue. And then of course red red also can create emotional and psychological effects to its fewer read typically reflects love comfort. It causes hunger and can increase heart rate. The second part of color theory deals with color values and intensity color value refers to the darkness or lightness of a color. Here’s a look at the color will with consideration for the color values. Notice how each color on the color wheel has a full range of value associated with it. It has the lighter versions of those colors as well as the darker versions of those colors. For example if you take a color blue and you add black to it you’re creating just a shade of blue. If you add why you’re creating a tin of blue. Blue is still the color. Here’s a closer look at this. If we take the color blue which is also referred to as hue and add white to it we’re creating a tint of blue the color or the hue actually doesn’t change. Instead it’s purely the value that changes. This is important as we move forward and talk about color schemes. In a moment it’s important to know that the tent or shade of the color is not affecting the actual color and its relationship to other colors. Instead it’s affecting purely the value. Now let’s look at the shades. If you take the same hue. In this case blue and add black to it. You’re purely creating a shade of that color. You’re just creating a darker version of Blue. The color is still blue. You’re just affecting the value of the screen that you’re looking at right now is actually a very dark red. It’s still a red. It’s just a darker value of red. If we slowly add red to it we’re approaching the mid tone of red on a value scale. We’re approaching the pure hue. Now we’ve reached a pure hue of red. Everything that you’ve seen on your screen is still the same color. It’s just different values of red in the same way we can just add white to that red and slowly will create tints of that red. It’s still red. It’s just a lighter version of Red therefore the color that’s most often referred to is pink is actually red. It’s not it’s own color instead it’s a tent of red. Intensity is slightly different than value. The intensity of a color can be adjusted by adding grace to that color. Grey is made by mixing black and white together. So by mixing black and white and then the hue of the color you adjust the intensity of the color just like value intensity doesn’t affect the overall color. In reference to the scheme that is used in a painting or drawing. This might make more sense in a moment when we talk about color schemes. So let’s go ahead and move on the color schemes now and put everything together. The third part of color theory is color schemes color schemes are arrangements of colors according to their placement and relationship on the color will the first color scheme and the most simple color scheme is referred to as mono chromatic monochromatic as a color scheme that consists of only one color and you might be thinking how can we have a color scheme that only has one color. Remember that each color has a full range of value associated with it. For example red if we add black to it we’re creating darker reds if we add white. Of course we’re creating tins of red. You can create an entire drawing or painting using just the tense and shades of red and it’s referred to as a monochromatic color scheme. The second type of color scheme is called a complimentary color scheme complimentary color schemes are used when the colors are directly across from each other then the color wheel. In this example you can see that red is directly across the color will from green. This means that these colors are considered complimentary. They provide the highest level of contrast possible among colors other colors are directly across from each other as well. These are also complimentary. For example yellow and purple are also directly across from each other. They are also considered to be complimentary and they also provide a high level of contrast. My favorite configuration of complimentary colors is orange and blue orange and blue. Also provide high level of contrast because they’re considered complimentary. A moment earlier I spoke on how the value or intensity of the color would not affect the overall color scheme. Here’s an example of this. In this case I have 8 different combinations of orange and blue. Each of these combinations has different values and intensities but each of these combinations is still considered to be a complimentary color scheme. It’s still the same two colors just with different intensities and different values. Don’t forget you have all the values and all the intensities of all the colors that you use the next color scheme will discuss is called analogous analogous color schemes consist of three to five colors that are directly next to each other on the color wheel. In this case I have highlighted red red purple purple and blue purple analogus color schemes provide low contrast. They usually result in harmonious color schemes unlike complementary color schemes that provide high contrast color. Try and color scheme consists of three colors that are equal distant from each other on the color wheel for example red yellow and blue. Also the primary colors is considered a color try and as well as the secondary colors purple orange and green a color tetrad consists of four colors that are equal distant from each other on the color wheel. In this case I’ve highlighted orange red purple blue and yellow green. These colors provide high contrast. A split complimentary color scheme is made up of a color and it’s complements to closest analogous colors . For example we know that we need to have three colors and are split complimentary color scheme. So if we choose to begin with red We know that red is one of our three colors. We know that the complement of red is green. But looking at our color will we also know that the two closest analogous colors to green are yellow green and blue green. This means are split complementary colour scheme is made up of red yellow green and blue green split complementary color schemes provide high contrast as well warm colors are colors that we typically associate with things that are warm. These colors are made up of red purple red red orange orange yellow orange yellow and yellow green warm colors typically have a warm color as their root color coat colors however are colors that we associate with things that are cool cool colors are typically made up of green blue green blue blue purple and purple depending on how much blue it has in it. So what did we learn in this video. Well first we learned that color is reflected light. We also learned that in art color theory consists of three parts the color will color values and color schemes. We learned that the color will is the color spectrum bit into a circle and the arrangement of the colors helps us to make decisions about our artworks. We also learned that color value is effected by the amount of pure white or black that is present in the hue color intensity is affected by adding greys to a hue. We also learned that color schemes are a systematic way of combining colors to include in our artworks and we learn that color can affect us emotionally and psychologically in the next video. We’re going to go into our first color media colored pencils
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