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Question Type: Attitude
Attitude questions are unique to the listening section of the TOEFL. These aren’t in the reading section, but they are very similar to another type of question in the listening, because they ask what the person is thinking. You need to get inside the speaker’s head, just like you do in a function question. They’re a little bit different, because function questions don’t ask about opinions.
Attitude questions ask about opinions. How the speaker feels about some specific topic. They’re pretty rare. You won’t have these in many sets of questions. And if you do have one in a set of questions, you’ll probably only have one. They’re very low frequency.
You might have just two, or, possibly one, or maybe three of them all together on your TOEFL. In order to answer these questions correctly, you should really focus not only on what the person says, but also how they say it. What does their voice sound like when they say it? Do they sound angry?
Do they sound satisfied? What are the emotions in their voice? Let’s see a couple examples of these types of questions. What is the professors opinion of algae that is grown for fuel? Okay. Notice that this is different from most function questions, because we don’t have a chance to listen again.
We’re not asking about a specific sentence. Maybe the answer comes from a specific sentence, but the question does not reference it. The question just asks a more general professor’s opinion. Now, maybe there’s just one sentence in which you hear, by his voice, the way he speaks, his opinion.
But, we don’t have a chance to listen again now. That means you have to remember a little bit. Generally, attitude questions involve less specific memory than function questions would need. Here’s another.
What is the women’s attitude toward the professor’s suggestion of working with a classmate? Okay, now we have a detail, given here. The professor’s suggestion of working with a classmate. That’s probably about one very specific part of the conversation. So we need to find it in our notes.
But also remember, not only what the woman said, but also how she said it. Here’s another. What can be inferred about the man’s opinion of his class schedule? So this is an inference question in a way. But it’s an inference about an opinion. So, it’s very similar to an inference question.
But because it’s about his opinion, we will call it a attitude question. And we use the same method to answer it as we would any other attitude question. We think about the things he said, and how he said them. And here’s one more. What is the professor’s attitude towards modernism? And this is actually very similar to the others.
Now that we have a few examples, notice opinion, attitude, opinion, attitude. Usually an attitude question will have one of these words in it, that tells you that you should be thinking about the speaker’s thoughts. What their emotions and feelings are. All right, and that’s all for attitude questions.
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